[ Midnight, and as the chimes begin to sound Tyki Mikk and Saya might see the walls, floor, and ceiling around them begin to convulse, points fighting their way to the surface.
Chime after chime ring out and first one long spike shoots from the walls, then another and another and another-- sharp, needle-like protrustions bursting from the walls and impaling the two victims again and again, blood spurting with each new skewer stuck through them.
The final chime dies and for a moment there's silence. Then, as quickly as they began, the spikes recede back into the House, leaving smears of blood on the walls, puddles on the floor, droplets of red falling from the ceiling. The bodies, now riddled with holes, fall to the floor with a wet squelch.
In everyone's books, two more names turn red. ]
† Adai, Rossiu ‡
† Asch the Bloody ‡
† Aurelius, Vayne ‡
† Aziraphale ‡
† Beatrice ‡
† Boa, Hancock ‡
† Brink, Topher ‡
† Callisto ‡
† Cecil, Guy ‡
† DeWitt, Adelle ‡
† Doctor, The ‡
† Figarette, Sister Elraine ‡
† Folk, Dora ‡
† Granger, Hermione Jean ‡
† Grants, Van ‡
† Heath ‡
† Heurassein, Estellise Sidos ‡
† Ibn-La'Ahad, Altaïr ‡
† Iceland ‡
† Irving, Lloyd ‡
† Kakisu, Toujirou ‡
† Kisaragi, Yuffie ‡
† Kobato ‡
† Koizumi, Itsuki ‡
† Konata ‡
† Lavi ‡
† Legault ‡
† Luchile, Kiri ‡
† Lucius ‡
† Mikk, Tyki ‡
† Mikuru ‡
† Morgan, Dexter ‡
† Nagato, Yuki ‡
† Neumann, Precis F. ‡
† Noble, Donna ‡
† Pikachu ‡
† Romano (Lovino Vargas) ‡
† Saya ‡
† Shirogane, Naoto ‡
† Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo) ‡
† Suigintou ‡
† Tyler, Rose ‡
† Winslett, Clive ‡
† Yao, Ling ‡
† Yui ‡
[ The ninth poll has ended. You have lost two of your housemates. ]
[ ooc: dead players please click
[ here ]. the next poll will end at 11:59 Thursday, December 24th ]