[ At the first toll, nothing happens. Still, the second, then the third, fourth, and on.
Will there be deaths tonight?
Then, as the final bell tolls, Kiri Luchile's hand will feel somewhat more chill, and if anyone was looking, they'd find that the silent cape and cowl were missing from a shadowy corner.
SISTER ELRAINE FIGARETTE and ALTAIR IBN-LA'AHAD are both gone. Look around the entire house, try to find them? There isn't so much as a shred of evidence that they were ever here, save for those who remember them.
Two more names appear in that bright red ink on the next blank page of everyone's little book, surrounded by those still in solid black. ]
† Adai, Rossiu ‡
† Asch the Bloody ‡
† Aurelius, Vayne ‡
† Aziraphale ‡
† Beatrice ‡
† Boa, Hancock ‡
† Brink, Topher ‡
† Callisto ‡
† Cecil, Guy ‡
† DeWitt, Adelle ‡
† Doctor, The ‡
† Figarette, Sister Elraine ‡
† Folk, Dora ‡
† Granger, Hermione Jean ‡
† Grants, Van ‡
† Heath ‡
† Heurassein, Estellise Sidos ‡
† Ibn-La'Ahad, Altaïr ‡
† Iceland ‡
† Irving, Lloyd ‡
† Kakisu, Toujirou ‡
† Kisaragi, Yuffie ‡
† Kobato ‡
† Koizumi, Itsuki ‡
† Konata ‡
† Lavi ‡
† Legault ‡
† Luchile, Kiri ‡
† Lucius ‡
† Mikk, Tyki ‡
† Mikuru ‡
† Morgan, Dexter ‡
† Nagato, Yuki ‡
† Neumann, Precis F. ‡
† Noble, Donna ‡
† Pikachu ‡
† Romano (Lovino Vargas) ‡
† Saya ‡
† Shirogane, Naoto ‡
† Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo) ‡
† Suigintou ‡
† Tyler, Rose ‡
† Winslett, Clive ‡
† Yao, Ling ‡
† Yui ‡
[ The fifth round is complete, and you have lost two of your number. ]
[ ooc: dead players please click
[ here ]. the next poll will end at 11:59 Thursday, December 10th ]