[ Even as the second hand creaks that last bit between 11:59:59 and 12:00:00, the bodies of KONATA and PIKACHU begin to fade from sight, as though they just slowly melt into the air. No loud sounds or explosions or anything else, save for the flickering screen on the television being turned over to constant reruns of Lucky ☆ Star.
The tolls continue, and right as the clock strikes its twelfth bell, if one is standing in the kitchen, they'll see a brightly colored piñata in the shape of a Pokéball appear, hanging from a thick rope. Off to the side is a sturdy wooden bat with a blindfold draped over the end.
Wonder what kind of treats are inside?
In everyone's little books, a new poll appears with two more names in red ]
† Adai, Rossiu ‡
† Asch the Bloody ‡
† Aurelius, Vayne ‡
† Aziraphale ‡
† Beatrice ‡
† Boa, Hancock ‡
† Brink, Topher ‡
† Callisto ‡
† Cecil, Guy ‡
† DeWitt, Adelle ‡
† Doctor, The ‡
† Figarette, Sister Elraine ‡
† Folk, Dora ‡
† Granger, Hermione Jean ‡
† Grants, Van ‡
† Heath ‡
† Heurassein, Estellise Sidos ‡
† Ibn-La'Ahad, Altaïr ‡
† Iceland ‡
† Irving, Lloyd ‡
† Kakisu, Toujirou ‡
† Kisaragi, Yuffie ‡
† Kobato ‡
† Koizumi, Itsuki ‡
† Konata ‡
† Lavi ‡
† Legault ‡
† Luchile, Kiri ‡
† Lucius ‡
† Mikk, Tyki ‡
† Mikuru ‡
† Morgan, Dexter ‡
† Nagato, Yuki ‡
† Neumann, Precis F. ‡
† Noble, Donna ‡
† Pikachu ‡
† Romano (Lovino Vargas) ‡
† Saya ‡
† Shirogane, Naoto ‡
† Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo) ‡
† Suigintou ‡
† Tyler, Rose ‡
† Winslett, Clive ‡
† Yao, Ling ‡
† Yui ‡
[ The third round is complete, and you have lost two of your number. The count is back up? ]
[ ooc: dead players please click
[ here ]. the next poll will end at 11:59 Thursday, December 3rd ]