So... I'm back... with another one of those things that I do. That reminds me.... *flashback*
Devon: Hey, why do you do all of those things that you do?
Me: Why don't you do all those things that I do?
Devon: Because they're stupid and potentionally dangerous.
*Flash foward*
Mmmm, nothin like a good flash back to start your day off right.
So, here's your picture...
I ordered that sweater for my holloween costume. I'm gonna be a fem-slytherin! squeeeeeeee.
Well, that made me just a tad hungry... I'm gonna go and make some toast... that reminds me *flashback*
John: Where do you get toast from?
Me: The toaster
John: Foolish girl, all the best toast comes from
toast hut
Me: I've seen the light
*Flash Foward*
I should really stop doing that now.
Also, remember a while back I had a pick of Voldy doing a giddy little dance well now you cal see it in all its glory vai a crappy flip book animation.