1st month of uni

Sep 07, 2013 23:15

Been a real long time since I've posted something (publicly) and that didn't involve vague meanings haha. Well here goes a post about school.

In all honesty, I'm not completely happy about not studying environmental science like I wanted to. Everytime I think about my time in VJ, I always remember how badly I wanted to. Well, obviously things didn't work out... But on a more positive note, I'm glad I ended up in NUS FASS. It's really giving me a lot of freedom on what I want to study and I'm enjoying it so far. Truly. Lessons have been interesting, lecturers compelling and above all, I'm actually paying attention in class and absorbing knowledge HAHAHA. This is new for me guys... Truly, it's eye opening. The mods I'm taking have definitely been eye opening so far. I complain quite a fair bit about my World Religion mod cause it's pretty intense and I'm still stuck writing my essay worth 30% but it's really. Wow. I feel so adult like and full of religious wisdom lololol no but seriously. I've never been much of a religious person, BUT religions really interest me. I've always wondered what compelled people to put so much faith in their faith. And why is it such an important aspect in the world and so many people's lives? I have many religious friends, so if you're reading this please don't get offended this btw hahah just my own 2 cents in life. So yeah so far, my essay on the topic of atheism has really answered all my questions and stuff. I'm like some academic scholar lugging home books on religion from the library guys... hahaha but seriously, thank god this mod is only for a semester. Right now, as I'm typing this, I'm waiting for a 2hr 40min video on Islam to load for my elearning lecture on Monday hahaha #studiousgirl #onlycauseIsleptthewholeafternoonaway #butIhadworkinthemorningsoexcuseme #whyamItypingintags

ANYWHO, Geog is actually really interesting and I regret not taking it earlier for O's and A's. I honestly think I didn't because I thought history was cool (not anymore I'm sorry Mdm Ting) and I think Mr Siow killed any interest I had for geog in Sec 2. Minor in geog... maybe? Idk, really have to see how things pan out. But yeah as I was saying, really glad I'm in FASS cause I get to do these kinda stuff! A bit like taste testing. Major testing I guess? Haha.

Academic issues aside...

omg Handball sucks HAHAHA or ok, fine I suck at handball. It looks fun, but yeah I think I'm better off enjoying the game on the sidelines because playing it (when you suck at it) is not fun lololol. But glad I got to try it out for IFG! Too many hand eye foot coordination for me I think omg I'm hopeless.

Muay Thai has been fun!!! Sweat like a pig every tuesday night because the hall is so damn stuffy and also because I sweat a lot in general, but yes, punching and kicking your friends on a weekly basis is really funnnnn :) Extremely good workout I like.

I really miss being a team tho. Miss the VJ hockey girls, so much. You have no idea. Everyday in VJ even if I was having a bad day in school, the loft and the team waiting for me there would always cheer me up. The bonds we made during and after trainings were really strong and I miss having that sense of family. Right not everyone is split up which makes it hard to be as close as we were. We still meet up, yes, but it'll never be the same as the times in VJ, you know?? And I don't think I'll ever find a bunch of morons as idiotic as them in NUS :(

Sigh also really miss having Amreetaa and Alison around with me in class. Seriously, it is not the same at all :(

Brings me to my next point, uni can be pretty lonely haha. I have friends (thank god seriously) to attend lectures with but they're mostly VJ people hahaha so it's not really counted in a way cause it means I haven't really made any NUS friends? Other than my sports camp OG but they're mostly in other faculties so... yeah. I guess it takes time to make friends out of your social circle in uni (especially if you're not close to your arts OG) cause we don't see the same people everyday like we did in a class in VJ. My tutorials are like only once a week or some even once every two weeks so there is really hardly any room for interaction. OH WAIT NOOOO I HAVE NEW FRIENDS JUST REMEMBERED!!!!! Hahahahahah this is exciting news. Got to know this girl through my english tutorial and found out she goes for world religion too so I made friends with her and this other guy. OMG can't believe I forgot about my new found friends LOL GUYS I'M EXCITED BY THIS REVELATION.

this is how sad my life is omg hahahhaa I sound like a loser. But really, it's cause I don't make friends easily haha. I swear I'm like 70% introvert... I hate initiating conversation and it really takes me a long time before I can force myself to start a conversation. And the fake cheeriness. Ughhhhh spare me please :( I think I'm just so used to having friends I can be 100% comfortable with like how I am with all my long lasting friends. I'm a really boring person too leh, serious. Like my conversations will always be really uhm standard questions and like I don't have the funny bones to make jokes with people I've just met. I'M ONLY FUNNY AROUND MY FRIENDS. So how to make new ones??? LOOOOL LIFE. Ok maybe I'm just not funny at all. Which makes the situation even sadder.

But yes long story short, I suck at making new friends. Hopefully I'll make new ones as school progresses cause I really would like to. It's not that I don't, it's just that I suck at it!!!!!! Rawr. OK POSITIVE MINDSET AQEELA.

Ok time to watch my 2hr 40mins videoooooo sigh bye guys. Hopefully the next time I post, it'll be a happier one filled with more new friends yayyyy. Kbye :( 
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