Jul 01, 2005 07:48
to a vegan or even a vegetarian diet.... we wouldnt have to live in a world where we have to put on concerts to alleviate "some" world hunger. Then again, its not going to alleviate anything. It wont even raise enough money for food. With all of the grain and water we produce each year and give to the cattle we raise on the farms here and even in other parts of the world, is billions of tons of it wasted. You are giving these animals and insufficient diet of foods they wouldnt natually eat, but because you want to fatten them up to make your steaks and your profit, other people without knowing it, are suffering from it. People dont think they contribute to any problems when they ingest a piece of rotten and diseased flesh, but they are wrong. With all of the problems in this world, they are more concerned about what they "like" to eat and what they believe they "could never stop". Seriously, is eating meat and dairy THAT important? People are too dumb to realize that you dont need those foods for certain vitamins in your body. We are naturally herbivores. But evolution changes us. The only reason we started eating meat is because people were moving to colder climates where vegitation was less present and they needed protein for their jouneys which they werent getting from plant sources. Therefore, how the FUCK does this justify the reason why people eat that disgusting shit now? Its terrible. People are too concerned about ingesting without thinking of how this affects the world around them. I wish I could write a book on all the stuff I learn. But I just wish I lived in a world where, instead of having to hold concerts to produce money for food, we would just stop destroying other lives and stop eating meat. It saves the environment, it saves peoples lives. Almost anyone youd ask, probably wouldnt realize how much of an effect it TRUELY has on other peoples lives. When people ask me why I do what I do? I dont just say "FOR HEALTH" or "FOR THE ANIMALS". Although those are big parts of it, why would I let it stop there? I do it because of Humanitarian and Political reasons tied in with it. I also do it for Environmental reasons. I do it for MANY reasons. I think they are all each equally justified as well. Most people dont know it could effect things in that broad of a scope. But its time for a wake up call. It has already and will continue too until the day we die and long after unless we do something about it.