So, I have tried nearly everything I can think of and I can not get my ITunes to connect to the Music Store.
My roomate has tried, I've even deleted then re-downloaded both ITunes & Internet Explorer.
I primarily use Firefox as a browser because my Internet Explorer, for whatever reason, won't connect to the internet.
I always get this:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Most likely causes:
- You are not connected to the Internet.
- The website is encountering problems.
- There might be a typing error in the address.
So, I'm assuming I Tunes won't connect because Internet Explorer won't connect, but I have tried everything to either get IE to connect or get I Tunes to use Firefox as a connection, but I can't.
I just got a new I Pod & I really want to use it (go figure) but I can't do that 'till I get all of my music updates or info updates or ANYTHING without connecting to the store.
Any help would be MUCH appreciated. I'm lost. And sad. And I have a headache. :(
In other news, happy new year everyone!