
Aug 13, 2009 08:43

So, as of today, it's one week since the boys started school (and Jessica, of course, went back.) I spent the first couple of days being really busy and working hard at cleaning, but this week, I took Steve's advice and just relaxed. Reading, computer, TV (but not much of it, because I still don't like daytime TV...) and only keeping up with the absolutely necessary chores of cooking, laundry and dishes. I'm not sure--I don't think it's really completely working for me. I like the feeling of having accomplished something. I'm just also not sure I'm really enthusiastic about cleaning house. Although I do like the feeling of taking a room that's a complete wreck and turning it into a place that's pleasant to be in and actually useful.

The family room is basically done; there are a couple boxes I need to find new homes for (or at least have Steve go through so we can empty 'em out and get rid of 'em), some odds and ends in other rooms that belong in there, and of course, a lack of lighting and seating. I'm going to need to get at least one or two floor lamps since the lighting/fan fixture isn't working, and I'd like a love seat so that the kids can sit in there to read or watch DVDs. Maybe a rug, too, although the bare floor is good for me for the yoga (I have a mat, after all) and for the kids' board games and puzzles.

Right now, the internet modem is burned out, which means I'm sitting out front mooching with the WiFi. It's overcast today after a stormy night last night, which means the temperature is actually quite nice. Mid-70s, and there's a dragonfly perched on the windchime hook in the garden next to me. I'm starting to think about fall plantings and bulbs for next spring; I know some bulbs are best planted in the fall so they can be ready for spring; and I'm thinking about whether or not I'm going to want to force bulbs this winter--shouldn't be too hard, what with the fact that the weather seems to be fairly moderate for most of the winter (at least, judging by last year...)

The one thing about this house that I'm not crazy about is the lack of windows letting in natural light in the main living spaces. The front of the house faces roughly southeast, which means we get a lot of sun on the front of the house for most of the day. However, the only window in the living room is on the other side of the house, and it's kind of in a corner that's shaded by trees, so it really only gets sun for a couple of hours about mid-afternoon. The dining room has a big window, but it opens on to the front porch so it doesn't really get much direct light. The family room gets great light during the day, but without any real seating it's not a good place to just hang out. And the kitchen window is completely boarded up (that's definitely on my list of things to change!) Even once it's opened up, it won't do much good, since it opens on to the back porch, which is deep and dark and has a low roof. Sooo....well, there's nothing I can really do, much, about that, now is there? We've discussed several possibilities, things we'd like to do--like screening in part of the back porch, and maybe opening up and putting in some skylights to let in more light during the day. We really need to put in new fans in the attic to draw out the hot air so that the AC can work more efficiently, and see what can be done about the ceiling light/fan fixtures in teh family room and living room so they'll actually work. One of the blades of the fan in the dining room is bent, which means that will eventually have to be replaced, but Steve doesn't feel like he's got enough experience with electrical work to be able to tackle that stuff effectively himself. We're going to replace the really old windows next spring (we hope!) with new ones--I want windows where I can let the top panes down, rather than lifting up the bottom ones, so I can have windows open without having to worry about cats or kids pushing out the screen and escaping.

Next week I plan to start tackling the cleaning again, and also to start walking in the mornings. I'm not sure how well that will actually work out, but I'm going to at least try. I'm wondering if it's worthwhile to go ahead and get a scale for myself, or if I should just use clothing fit to judge whether or not I'm actually losing weight. I'm not sure I want to know numbers, but I'm also not convinced that there's any change in the way my clothing fits recently, even though I've been making changes in my diet.

It's started raining now, and I love the sound of the rain falling, and sitting here I have a view of one of my rain chains. I love the way water looks as it runs down; there's something about it that's almost magical.

One of the things that desperately needs doing right now, with Steve gone, is mowing the lawn. I had hoped that I might be able to do it myself, but it's definitely not going to happen. In the mornings when I get up, after I get the kids on the bus, it's generally too wet to cut, and I can't really be out during the middle of the day. I know my limitations and I'm too easily overcome by the heat and humidity down here. I can't afford to be ill like that when I have to be able to meet the bus and do all the after school stuff. And in the evenings, of course, I have to supervise the kids. By the time they're in bed, it's too dark for me to see what I'm doing. So, I'm stuck. I've considered asking the neighbors, but all I can really offer is fresh-baked bread, and I'm not sure it's much of a bribe. Probably I'll just let it go until Steve gets home, but before he deploys I need him to take responsibility for finding a teenager or someone to do it.

Anyway, these days there're a lot of thoughts scurrying through my head--day-to-day stuff like the laundry and dishes and dinner, and more important stuff like bills; occasional stuff like shampooing carpets and huge things like deployment and dentists. I don't know; it's hard to keep it all straight sometimes, and it's easy to get overwhelmed, especially when I know that Steve'll only be home for about six weeks, and then he'll be gone again for a long time. And then, everything will be on me, and when he gets back we'll both have to readjust and figure out a way to communicate face-to-face again. In some ways it's easier to communicate while he's gone; I can take my time over a letter, or we'll be on the phone where it's just the two of us, with neither one's attention overwhelmed by book or kids or TV. We both say more and listen more, but sometimes I'm not sure we hear more--or maybe we hear more but don't really listen...I don't know. I just...wish I could have a bit more stability in my life. I know it's not Steve's fault, and I know it's not really his choice; but that doesn't make it less hard for me...

rambling, deployment, kids, keeping house

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