
Jul 04, 2007 17:31

Well, it seems like forever since I've posted anything substantial. In fact, I haven't cared much about blogging, as I had a journal to write to my boyfriend everyday... but that kinda fell lately, as we're going through more trouble than I wish. I've had no end talking about it though, and I won't really spill it out here. It's just very hard to never be able to see him. I've barely talked to him in the last week and a half or so. I'm being strong and keeping my mind busy with other stuff.

My GRE exam is next week, and I think I am getting quite ready - although I still haven't done any analytical writing practice. I hope to get a 650 in the Verbal section, and I'm quite set to reach and maybe even surpass that score. Stanford isn't so out of reach after all...

Canadian lit. class is nice. Well, any lit. class is interesting to me anyway. But the texts are diverse, and are increasingly interesting as we go forward in time. We are currently dealing with short story writers like Mavis Gallant and Alice Munro, and will soon move to Atwood's Surfacing. I'm really ahead in the novels though, having already gone through Atwood and Ondaatje's Coming Through Slaughter. I have started Nancy Huston's Plainsong yesterday.

As for other readings, I read Eliot's The Mill on the Floss last week, as well as Vonarburg's Reine de Mémoire - La Maison d'Oubli through the weekend. Yesterday I went to get the second volume of Reine de Mémoire, Le Dragon de Feu, as well as Eliot's Scenes of Clerical Life and James Joyce's early works: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and The Dubliners. Why do I ascribe myself to James Joyce, you ask? Well, I'm taking a Joyce class next Fall semester, and the work is Ulysses. I've been told that getting through Portrait and Dubliners helps in figuring out Ulysses. And as they are short books, I can very well read them now.

News from an old friend, even through the shame of my own behaviour last summer that I still haven't been able to get over, warms my heart today. I'm glad she's stood up for herself at last...
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