Jan 10, 2005 22:39
ok i know this is my third thing tonight. BUT something funny is happening and i thought you could all use a laugh.
the smoke alarm in our house has been going on and off again since 2pm. like seriously. every 10 minutes sometimes. sooo 10pm rolls around...and i realize i'm not going to get any sleep unless i (sigh) call someone to come help. well first i call sharon and cry and ask her what to do. girls are useless . so anyway. my first choice: dads firefighter friend wally (carlins dad)...who is at work tonight. :| fuck me. soooo i had to call mr zieba (yes scott ziebas dad, yes britt's boyfriend of like 5 years). so actually he's not home and i talked to jackie (i think...either that or chelsea, they sound the same) anyway, Sig is at a firefighter meeting (dumb me i should have remmebered that) but she calls him on his cell and he calls me back and says he'll be right over. so our smoke alarms are apparently gay and do not have a battery but are actually wired into the house. so great. (they long over due to be replaced---> funny since my dad is a firefighter. thanks dad for checking these things before you leave) anyway, this is getting long. but he took the whole thing off leaving wires hanging out of the ceiling. hahahhah. yea. and i'm supposed to call him if the other one decides to go off in the middle of the night. oh dear god i pray that it does not.
thats my hilarious life for you. i apparently will never be able to live on my own i've decided.
--> and our washing machine broke like a day after they left, but mark came to the rescue:)