It's Christmas Eve, eve. YAY! I have plans with the family and friends. There will be gifts to give. There will be gifts to open. There will be food to eat.
J.P. made me a FABULOUS scarf. I mean, it is sooo me. I love it. I wore it to work and everyone loved it. I planned my entire weekend wardrobe around this scarf. I must wear it. If I wasn't sooo lazy, and if I hadn't already packed my camera, I would take a picture and post it. But...I am lazy AND it is packed.'ll just have to take my word. It's beautiful.
I got a holiday post card from one of my favorite authors, Michelle Zink. She wrote the Prophecy of Sisters trilogy. She has sent me postcards at other times...just out of the blue...simply to say, "Hi and thank you." I'm taking notes. One day I will do the same thing for my readers.
Speaking of readers...I added 1,000 words to Whispers this week. I had planned to write's the week before Christmas. I had a last minute gift to buy. I had to pack. I had to bake. I had to read. In short, I was busier than I anticipated. BUT I also found songs for the playlist. I have ten songs to be exact. So now, when I feel stuck, I have music that will help me capture the emotion of the story. I present to you the song that captures my protagonist's (Alexandra "Alex" Mendeley) storyline: Gotta Figure It Out by Erin McCarley . . .
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Hugs and Encouragement....AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!