The art of making random posts.

Sep 15, 2009 17:40

Someone tagged me for that "eight days of happiness" meme way longer than eight days ago. Sorry for utter fail, please accept my feeble attempt at redeeming myself. I'll even do ten things that have made me happy in the past ten days:

1. I officially completed my MS degree in biomedical/neuro engineering! \o/
3. All of Misha's recent interviews. Hell, Misha's face in general, but I think that's a given.
4. The extended Kara/Lee scene from Taking a Break, although I'm not sure this makes me happy so much as intensely nostalgic, both over the pairing and over BSG in general.
5. Getting comments on really old fics. (People are still reading those? o.O)
6. A behind the scenes Jensen pic, from andreas_ri. ♥
7. This comment from airings: from what I've seen (which is exactly one episode now), Dean/Cas is SO CANON. Idgaf what others say. IT'S TRUE WUV.
8. taurenova's BFF!verse. I still need to gather all the links for that. Rahm and Misha being BFFs is totally my personal canon.
9. Back in college, I lived right next to Chipotle. I've been going through withdrawal all year, but they finally opened one here, too!
10. olympia_m's Roman AU which I already gushed about so I'll refrain from doing it again, but suffice to say it brings me immense and continued glee.

Some other fics, since it's been awhile since I did a recs post:

I'll Be Your Everlasting by ze_pink_lady: The hottest fic I've read in a really long fucking time. Seriously, seriously, and so romantic, too.

Something, Something That Replies by architeuthis: A Dean Smith masturbation fic, also hot.

A Wincest Story by trinityofone: Cute and hilarious and utterly heartwarming fic about Castiel falling and joining the family.

Anything Worth Dying For by waldorph: This is the most epic apocalypse fic I've read, hands down.

The Big Freeze by strangeandcharm: Hypothermic!Dean. 'nuff said.

A couple of Renegade Angels recs, although I've read shamefully few of those. Uh, I beta'd both of these, but they're damn good, I swear:

Second Verse, Same as the First: I LOVE THIS FIC. Groundhog Day with Dean and Cas.

In the Silence Afterward: Depressing, not gonna lie, but beautifully so and Dean is mute! I have a physical disability kink or something.

Also, because I can never stop talking about Dean/Castiel, I have more thoughts on the premiere:

1. Despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of you (162/194!) think God resurrected Castiel, I gotta disagree. I don't think it's Lucifer either, but God just seems... too easy. I think the show wants us to think it's God, and more importantly, I think Castiel wanted Zachariah to think that, but I think Castiel was bluffing because he couldn't take Zach on. He relaxed a little too much as soon as Zachariah left, and he looked a little too hesitant when Dean asked. If they're gonna bring God onto the show, I don't think they'd do it this early on, especially since that would take away so much of their struggle. So far, I'm really warming up to the archangels theory.

2. Upon rewatches of the Castiel scene (don't ask how many times), I was actually able to get past my all-consuming glee over Castiel's deadpan delivery of his "I carved it into your ribs" line and notice some other things. Like how Dean accepts it unquestioningly. Can you imagine if Castiel had pulled that kind of thing on him last season? The absolute fit Dean would have thrown at being violated like that? Now, though, Castiel does it without so much as asking or even warning them first, and then tells them about it afterward, and Dean moves on to the next topic. This kind of trust, coming from Dean? ffldsjkflsdjfdklsfjkslkfjdsklfjdklsfjdklsfjsdkl YES. That is all.

3. Dean tried so hard to pretend everything was okay with Sam for almost the entire episode, he even said so himself. He needed to have Sam, and that semblance of okayness, because he just didn't have the energy to deal with a fallout and the loneliness that comes with that. You know when he got that extra energy and strength? After Castiel came back. ♥

This isn't spoilery for the premiere, so I won't cut it: I've just kind of been assuming that everyone knows Dean broke the first seal, but is that actually true? Do Sam and Bobby know, even? For some reason I feel like surely this must have been addressed, but I can't remember when or how and now I'm not so sure it has been anymore..

bsg is the one true god, rahm motherfucking emanuel, read these fics omg, memes, the guy who plays the angel, dean/castiel is ruining my life, "real" life as opposed to this fake one

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