Four highlights from the past four weeks:
1. España! I just got back from Madrid this morning and shit, man, last night was crazy. Definitely one of the more interesting nights of my life, that's for sure.
2. Went kart racing and won a trophy, because I am awesome. :D
3. Bought a surf board! (No, I don't know how to surf yet, but lounging around in the ocean is always fun.)
4. White Collar gag reel! The guy who plays Fowler giving Tim a peck on the cheek while they're having a pissing contest? Lots of Tim and Matt singing? You guys, I LOVE THIS SHOW. ♥
One highlight from tomorrow:
1. WHITE COLLAR again. Season 2 premiere! !!!
Your turn. Tell me something awesome that's happened to you recently! :D
Also also, figured I'd mention in case anyone is in the Lisbon area:
metralha and I are gonna get together and do some stuff for
therandomact; let me know if you want to join us! We could have a mini fandom meetup or something, you don't have to be a member of Random Acts. :)
Do J2 and Misha really get naked together or something? WHAT IS THIS.