Title: Clark Kent
sv100 PROMPT: Alternte Universe
Pairings: none
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: SV-S7EP04 (if you don't know who Knox is)
Notes: Crossover with Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. And I'm just gonna point this out there, but if anyone could PLEASE make some Dean!Clark/Chloe icons - you would making my day, month and year! ;D
clark kent........ )
Title: The Watchtower
sv100 PROMPT: Alternte Universe
Pairings: implied Chloe/Oliver
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: SV-S8EP17 (Hex)
Notes: Crossover with Justice League Unlimited (cartoon).
the watchtower........ )
Title: Me? Team Leader?
sv100 PROMPT: Alternte Universe
Pairings: implied Dinah/Oliver
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: JLU-S1EP1.
Notes: Crossover with Justice League Unlimited (cartoon). Could be considered a companion of
The Watchtower.
me? team leader?........ )