Title: Behind The Beast
Rating: PG-13 (mainly for language)
Pairings: Chloe/Logan
Spoilers: Spoilers? Eh... to be safe, let's say season 8 for Smallville, and through The Last Stand for X-Men.
Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville and X-Men, Logan and Davis would have had a steel cage match by now. TRUFAX.
Summary: Maybe she's crazy, but she loves the beast in him.
Notes: A new pairing called my name... I couldn't resist. *head/desk* I blame Hugh Jackman for his hottness. This is my first time writing Wolverine, or any of the X-Men, for that matter, so please be gentle with me. Please remember that feedback is loved. <333
(He's wild. Anyone who meets him, looks at him and knows it.)