Title: Mocking words, broken man 2
Fandom: Smallville/Heroes crossover
Author: boredlittlestudent/
vodooman Rating: pg-13 (to be save)
Genre: loss, hurt, angsty, crossover
Characters/Pairings: Chloe/Peter, Sylar, Clark
Short summary: She was dead, he didn’t save her; for all of his superpowers, he couldn’t save her.
Any warnings: Yes, mention of character death.
Disclaimer: Smallville and Heroes as well as its characters are not mine. I only write fanfiction for entertainment.
A/N: Yes well, the one-shot turned into a three shot... until further notice... I guess! Jan, you were right... it was a good start...
read part 1 here... )
part 2... )