May 27, 2005 00:45
Ok so Alex, Laura, and I went to TGI Friday's for alex's birthday, and then we were gonna go to the movies but decided we didn't want to spend money so we decided to drive around. So we drove to reading and drove around there a while and then we decided to go to Addison-Wesley Longman on South St. cause laura said it was wicked sketchy. We drove around one building, got back to the front and i was like "what's that?" we all did a double take and were like oh my god it's a coyote, so alex is like "it's a one legged coyote i mean a three legged coyote." It wasn't like it was just limping on the fourth leg either, there was no fourth leg, just a stump and three real legs. We continued driving around anyways and at one point a bunny rabbit jumped out in front of the car and laura screamed soooo loud it was hilarious. The we saw the coyote again, we've decided it was a very pretty coyote but that none of us will ever get out of our car at night there (apparently it's a semi-popular place to get drunk). Then we went and got lost some more went down some SKETCHY ass roads, and of course with laura driving all slow and stuff we looked even more sketchy and we almost got truly lost in wakefield but failed, we found our way to the Greenwood area. But yea anyways that's all for now... and although i feel bad for the three legged coyote, i wanna know what the hell happened to the other leg, cause it was a stump and i highly doubt it was amputated cause that just doesn't happen to wild animals they don't go to a vet and get amputated and then set free again, but truly enough of this rant.... PEACE