Sep 19, 2006 21:23
I've lived here for like 7 years now. Why, all of the sudden, am I so homesick??? I feel about as crappy as I did when my parents first told us we'd be moving to a city we had never heard of before. And, even though I forced myself to be open-minded and try out this new city, I still hate everything about it (except my boyfriend and his family, who live in a small town next door to Fort Wayne).
My brother's moving back down to Southern Indiana to live with my dad. I'm jealous. Even though I am not a big fan of my family. Just the fact that all of his senses will be experiencing the welcoming atmosphere of the city I have always known as "home".
No. I am not bored here. I have no real friends other than Dustin-- no girl I can confide in, and talk about life with. But I have adapted to be ok with being a loner. I actually prefer it over hanging out with people here, who seem to be so different from myself.
I feel selfish telling Dustin that I would like the option to be open-- to be able to move back there after I graduate. He has his friends here. He's close with his family here, too. He has never moved in his life.
I really wish I could say that I am content where I am. I am a very routined person though. And I passionately miss my 15 year routine. I miss the hills. I miss Tiffany, I miss my gardens. I miss not having so much snow and cold weather. I miss breathing. Do I miss my real home, which has probably evolved as everything does? Or do I really just miss my childhood there?