Apr 27, 2006 13:24
Okay, so life is great and all but it is moving at like a thousand miles an hour for me. I have been working 3 jobs this week, leaving little free time. But then you get to all my obligations and the free time leads to lie 10 min. if that a day.
Today, I had the day off from 2 of the jobs I hold. YESSSSSSS! But, there I go getting ahead of myself. I got up this morning and got a phone call from Beth saying that Joey's van was stolen and burnt. Instantly, I am worried about my second family. There is nothing like a stupid ass person stealing your shit and vandalizing it to make someone feel insecure and not safe. I am most worried about Brett though, he is kinda young and it must be pretty tramatic for him.
Then I go shopping for Jared's house warming gift. After about an hour of searching for the stuff on his registry that wasn't at our Kohls and one phone call to Nichole later, mission accomplished. However, that was an hour wasted out of my day. Damn it. Then I headed to Wal-Mart to get the stuff to make cookies for Jared's party and the party at Kim's house. I had one final stop to Sam's club across the parking lot and then I could go and get baking. Well, fucking Sam's club is only open to businesses before 10 am. Damn it again! So, I had to go to the grocery store by my uncle's house. I got the stuff and then started mixing it just to find out that all his huge mixing bowls are not there. I had to go buy that and some milk and go back to make the cookies. Then if things couldn't get worse with the cookie situation, I was in the middle of making them and ran out of vanilla. So, full speed back to the grocery store. Got that and mixed it up in time to put it in the refridgerator and leave to get to Lisa's house. So, I didn't by no means get the baking done.
Now, I am waiting for Devon to get done watching his favorite cartoon to go to town and to my house to get stuff for the weekend ready. Oh and I thought I would check my myspace and decided to try to get my song back, no such fucking luck! I will have to wait to have Darin help me this weekend.
Well, Saturday, I don't even know where I am finding time to breathe because I have so much going on! And I need to go buy some new shoes but I don't even think I will have time to go to Birch Run.! URGHHHH. Well, now that I wasted 10 mins. updating this, that is just 10 more mins. I will have to make up for.
Love Always,
Jamie Mae*
"I hate everything about you, why do I love you?"