Jun 26, 2005 17:22
I cant believe I just rolled out of bed. Seriously I am kinda ashamed of myself for not getting out of bed sooner. I mean its not like I wasnt awake. I've been awake since about 11 this morning. Why the hell didnt I get up? I wasnt super worn out from the festivities of yesterday. I mean, yeah, we walked more then I have in a while, but still, I'm not THAT out of shape and lazy. Jesus.
So the Pride Parade was fun, not too out of control. Saw some things I liked; saw other things I wished to God I hadnt. I think I had more fun watching the flow of parade goers behind me then the actual parade itself. I saw pretty girls; UGLY mAN-wenches; Some chick pushing a purple trash can that she converted into a speaker box. It was all so random and fun. and the best part was these were real people. Marcie's was fun as always. I met new people. Gabe and I bought some Girlie magazines and planted them in her house. You know- the usual. Ont the way to dropping Gabe off we had an in depth conversation about our outlook on love and things. Got kinda depressed about it so we listened to Sade. We decided that we can just fake falling in love with each other and no one will ever know we feel empty. It worked in high school, why cant it work now?