Bethany is high!!

May 20, 2005 14:31

Today was an interesting day.. well not really but I'll tell you about it anyway.. But not till I finish bitching about moving. THEY MOVED IT UP 2 WEEKS. IM FUCKING MOVING IN 20 DAYS! WTF?

well I wouldnt really know because I overslept and came in late.. it's been happening a lot lately but w.e.. it saves me from listening to the Chung-bot for 45 minutes.

I was here a grand total of 5 minutes. All I got out of this period was SOME PEOPLE think that the reason that SOME PEOPLE hate them is because of Jessie and thats not cool cuz Jessie didnt do anything wrong. so SOME PEOPLE need to get a life..

Well.. we had no teacher and no sub soo Justine and I literally walked out of the room and went to the G.O. Store/Guidance/Walked around aimlessly for 20 minutes.. then we went back to Ceramics and just sat and did nothing for the last 25 minutes of class.. LMAO and Justine is making me a techno mix.. techno music is funny.

We went over vocab so I slept. Then we read another scene from Romeo and Juliet Then we watched the movie. And by the movie I mean the one with Leonardo Dicaprio. Oh man he's hot.

Damn this class keeps getting more and more boring. Ughhhhh But I did get 100 on my quiz that we got back today. HELL YEAH! And then we voted for G.O. Officers. I voted Laurel for Secretary, Meg for V.P. (Shes the only one I want taking my place).. Then for G.O. I voted Carrie for President, and Dan for Secretary, Sean for something else..

Once again I just talked to Katrina.. It sure as hell beats doing Cops..

Ohh mann! I scored! How fucking hot is that? AND TJ holy fuck! He hit the ball like really far.. Ran to first. turned. ran to second. missed second. turned quick. fell. touched second with his hand. got up. ran to third. turn. ran home. He was soo dirty after that. But damn.. it was funny. And Bethany was high again lol. Shes a funny high person.

If I say 45 minutes from hell will you get the point? I was watching the clock and everytime it ticked I was like "28 minutes" and then I went to the "bathroom" for like 8 minutes which saved me from killing myself. "Did you know Iran's main export is caviar? SHH freshmen. STOFOOD SAUCE FOR SHIZZLE. gangster." this screen saver war is getting more and more random each time..


"RUN! RUN! like it's TRACK!"
TJ screaming at me while I was running the bases.. Surprisingly it helped..

"Kathryn, you're batting a 1000 for opening your mouth and not answering my questions. So either close your mouth or answer the questions."
My Mrs. Kalan is growing up.. She nicely scolded me which is an improvement over 'Ohhh Kathryn'

<3 you
K a t*
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