Jan 05, 2014 19:29
I haven't posted in about a year. Nice little yearly update.
I work for the State of Michigan now....I went from working as a behavioral therapist (absolute horribly private facility. I should have called CPS on them. They need to be shut down. And I didn't get my paid vacation like they promised...I should have taken the owner to court)...to a customer service rep (I met the most awesome people and got to work withh Lauren), to now a MiSACWIS LOE. Its a good start to get in to be a CPS worker....but we will see. Def did some job apps today.
Yesterday, I won $106 off a penny slot...with $1. I was impressed.
Finally found out what the hell is wrong with my hip...I have a torn labrum....the cartildge around my hip socket is torn. :-/ So...all this pain hasn't been Tendonitis. I'm calling a specialist tomorrow to see what I can do.
Mom is doing good. Just hanging out.
Tom and I....yeah. Let you figure that one out....
I love that my picture is Wonder Showzen...I was obsessed with in high school...still am. :)
That's all I got for right now.