[OOC] Flags, I have them.

Sep 27, 2011 23:43

I tried working up this post a while back and then formatting just ate it to pieces and I never did get around to re-posting again. Whoops.

SO, this is a master post of sorts for my various characters' flags and assorted relevant bits and pieces. As such, it's probably going to be looong. Fair warning.

Character names bolded, flags italicized.

Norrien Flamewreath (Blood Elf warrior on WrA, rogue on Thorium Brotherhood)

Norrien is short for a sin'dorei and rather stocky, muscular and clearly built for the plate he wears. There's usually a pair of goggles propped on his forehead and a rolled cigar in the corner of his mouth while he's not in the field. His goatee is usually scruffy and he doesn't appear to bother shaving all that often.

He generally smells like armor polish, grease, and smoke, and it's a safe assumption that his eyebrows are at least partially singed off.

-Specifically, he's between 5'7" and 5'8" tall. As far as age goes, he can pass for around 130-135 (I go by the equivalent human age x 5 scale, so not quite thirty.)
-Norrien isn't a full-blooded sin'dorei. He's not a half-elf and I haven't pinned down exactly where the human bit factors into the family tree (because I'm indecisive and it hasn't come up- he isn't even aware so far) but it's in there. In actuality he's just over 100 and just aging less gracefully than usual- he's probably going to go gray relatively early as well.
-He's awful at keeping live pets, but he does have a mechanical rabbit he's named Whiskers.
-Norrien is horrible at organization and a packrat. His place is full of clutter and piles of stuff, though he swears he knows exactly where he left any given object.
-Those cigars he's always smoking are usually laced.
-Hates the Alliance and to an extent undead, though that's less of a hate thing and more that he finds them freaky and unnatural and was kind of hoping that whole 'killing the Lich King' thing meant they'd all stop walking around and be DEAD like proper corpses.

Ceirin Windstriker (Blood Elf mage)

Ceirin is tall and lean, bordering on gaunt, and her already angular features are made even sharper by the weight loss. She's missing most of her left ear and she keeps her left eye socket covered with either a patch or a lens; she tends to squint with her remaining eye, which is
dimmer than usual.

Her robes are clean, if a bit wrinkled, and generally look as though she may have slept in them the previous night. She smells like bloodthistle and peacebloom.

-Ceirin is allergic to making good decisions.
-She used to be a magehunter, now a mage thanks to good old-fashioned Silvermoon mindscrewing.
-Her ear was lost to naga in Zangarmarsh, and she'd have had it reattached if she'd been able to find the thing. The eye was taken in interrogations and she just hasn't bothered with a false one yet, though she is getting a bit sick of pirate jokes.
-She refuses to work with fire magic after being severely burned twice while she was still a tracker.
-Cei's terrified of blue dragons and wary at best of all the others- all dragons ever do is cause trouble, as far as she's concerned.

Erenar Sunseeker (Blood Elf death knight)

Erenar is awkwardly tall and lanky in build, with terrible posture and a tendency to hunch over a bit to try to mask his height. He nearly always has as much of himself covered with armor as possible, and what flesh is exposed isn't always uniform in color, some patches of it lighter than the rest. His eyes are unnaturally bright blue.

He doesn't cut a very impressive figure for a death knight, and the rather fat parrot that tends to be perched on one shoulder certainly
doesn't help.

-Erenar was a chef while alive and he still cooks often, though it's all for other people as he doesn't exactly eat anymore.
-He bakes a lot when he gets anxious and needs something to do. When the kitchen starts filling up with cupcakes, things are really going south.
-He occasionally uses rolling pins as a weapon when he'd rather not use the runeblade on something. Sometimes you just need a blunt object instead, and who expects those?
-Ere constantly cleans out of fear of contaminating the place with anything he might be carrying. That house is spotless.
-He rides a sparklepony named Sirius.

Rynlan Dawnslight (Blood Elf priest)

Rynlan is just on the tall side of average and fairly stereotypical-looking for a priest: fair-skinned, fair-haired, willowy in frame. He walks with a limp, relying more on his left leg than the right, and can be seen using his staff as an aid or leaning on it.

The robes he wears are carefully pressed and kept pristinely clean, as is the rest of him, and his expression and tone are rarely anything other than calm or amused. His entire demeanor appears carefully maintained, right down to his slow and practiced-sounding speech.

-Former field medic who got a serious limb-mangling thanks to the Scourge.
-He's Norrien's former lover. Maybe slightly bitter about that. Alright, maybe more than slightly.
-Will probably flirt with just about anything.
-Ryn's not generally fond of animals, but he does own a very lazy cat.
-He avoids undead as much as he possibly can. Ghouls especially freak him out and he's a bit fearful of the dead in general, though he does sort of enjoy healing them knowing that the Light burns.
-Writes romance novels in his spare time.

Jenehvive Welles (Worgen druid)

Jenehvive is wiry in build, and her skin is tanned and slightly weathered. She's nearly always dressed sensibly when unarmored, and the leather armor she wears is obviously well cared for. Jen looks clean enough, though her hair tends to be a bit messy, her hands are rough and callused and every so often she's smudged with dirt.

As a worgen or any of her other animal shapes she's considerably less well-groomed, with coarse fur and a wild mane. Her claws and teeth are kept sharp and she seems wary, eyes constantly darting and ears pricked attentively.

-Former tracker and trapper who's been getting closer to her feral side than she ever really intended.
-Her affection comes teeth-first. Even if she likes you, threats are likely.
-She hates Forsaken and dwarves, who she believes must be ritualistically dropped on their heads as children.
-Jen keeps plenty of traps set around the campsite she lives in, just in case- despite the fact that the other person sharing it may well not be able to navigate some of them. She considers this an appropriate challenge for him.
-When she was a hunter she was particularly fond of lava spiders, and still keeps one around. The webs are just a bonus trap.

erenar, norrien, for shiggles, flags, rynlan, ceirin, ooc, jenehvive

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