[IC (Ceirin)] Politics politics.

Apr 15, 2010 10:14

Apparently Tendaros decided to run a tavern-type thing of his own, in Eversong, and hired Aelan to be his bartender...haven't decided just how crazy the place is but the insanity level seems pretty damn high. Poor Aelan...wonder how long he'll last there. I also wonder when somebody's gonna set up a betting pool for it, and how many of us that go there are gonna get forced mental examinations 'cause they've been talking on the damn stone about that talking broom. I'm betting it's some weird enchantment but that Tauren, whatshisface seemed to take it seriously and thought we were telling him the broom can actually talk. Which it can't because it's a fucking broom. Right? Yeah.

That elf that's started showing up...what was his name, Annicus? Seems politics come up whenever he's in the conversation. Can't possibly imagine why, what with it being about half of what he says. Not really my thing, and I'm sure talking about it wouldn't go over well anyway. I'd rather not listen to him being all disapproving at me and shit.

I know what I'm supposed to be doing is helping rebuild and protecting what we still hold, but fuck, some of our people make it hard to want to defend them, and it's not like I care much for the city itself to begin with. I'm not much for organization anyway, I'm probably helping it better by taking care of threats that are dangerous to everybody, elves included.

I still think things could be done better. All the showy shit really isn't necessary, seriously, fuck the "being nice and pretty" to impress. If things worked the way they should then having things being functional would be more important than being shiny. He had this ridiculous shiny gold armor before that was apparently just for walking around and showing off in and that's gotta be up there on the list of unnecessary shit. It apparently is supposed to say whoever's wearing it is 'authoritative' but come on. What it does say is you've got more fashion sense than combat sense, but at least it's since gotten replaced with something less glaring.

...as for relations with everybody else, I used to kinda figure things would be fine if we could just get left alone and take care of ourselves, but...I've got ties in the Horde now that I didn't really ever have except when I was still a ranger. Sure, the Harbingers still have a lot of elves, but it's still a part of the Horde and not serving Quel'thalas. If it really came down to it, work for Silvermoon or stay out, I...guess I'd stay out, really. Maybe that makes me a poor excuse for a sin'dorei, I don't really give a damn. Almost everything and everyone that connected me to it and keeps me coming back is gone and before too awfully long there won't be any almost. All I'll have left is that I used to live there and maybe have a little family still in it, and really, after I started training I grew up more in Eversong than the city. I'm more attached to...well. To be perfectly honest I care more about myself than Silvermoon. All I had to depend on for a long time after I left was myself, and I've spent more time off on my own than there...I'm pretty sure that one does make me a poor elf.

ramble ramble ramble, ceirin

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