Mar 12, 2012 15:09
Light. Can't I just have some sort of button or something to undo the last... oh, I don't know. Month or so? Just this once?
doubtful. I know I've found myself asking that before.
- Fairly sure Annoux thinks I'm crazy
- Goblins hit harder than one may assume
- Pay more attention you idiot
- Already been over the various ways in which I have been spectacularly stupid but it bears repeating: Dawnslight, what the fel is wrong with you
- Out of numbing potions
- Also out of bourbon (send Annoux?) going to start thinking I do this regularly at this rate, no
- Kitchen is probably a mess
sorely tempted to just stay on this damned couch forever and ignore everything until it goes away or comes to get me. suspect the latter is more likely and will be very unpleasant.
to do:
- alchemy (numbing, dreamless, more of the other project? ...screw it, yes)
- Annoux no don't word it like THAT it sounds horrible, Light
- get more information out of Annoux there we go
- Krestin
- get off the fucking couch.