Feb 21, 2012 12:44
As far as I can tell, everything's gone about as well as one could expect. Back to normal, for the most part- save for a thing or two I'm sure he's really best off not recalling. I've no idea what that was, but as its suppression seemed to show some improvement...yes, it definitely needed to be left. I wasn't terribly inclined to go back to that one as it was.
He'll be better off, in the long run.
[pen taps] I'm sure some would say that forcing a bit of improvement makes it all worth it, but honestly, it was more of a side effect than a goal. What made that worth it was getting what I wanted out of it.
It's a shame that was equally temporary, but there's no reason I couldn't do it again, and just as successfully.
I could really use more study of the subconscious as it is. It's becoming more familiar territory and yet there's so much that I don't know of the way it works, how it functions, why it does some of the things it does. Dreams in particular still fascinate me-- the things that they choose to fixate on, regardless of how much sense they do or don't make at the time. I'm hardly superstitious enough to believe that there are messages to be found in them from any sort of outside source, but their inclination to produce truly bizarre things is interesting, as is the way they can so nearly replicate reality but with things just slightly wrong. I haven't owned any sort of mirror in...some time, and yet the dreams so often insist I do- everything else is just about identical, save for their presence.
They're only dreams, but still, the sound of glass breaking is truly beginning to become grating.