Title: Halo/Walking on Sunshine (Yes, Song from Glee)
tracker_luciferRating: PG
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Cas
Spoilers: S4,5, and 6.
Warnings: Not really. Just a really bubbly video?
Note: It was another request by same friend *cough
marourin cough* who believed I wouldn't take on the challenge... So Ha! *points*
I hope you guys enjoy.
Click to view
And for those who can't see it on youtube:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OAF7EM91 Warning though, this is a divx file. It works fine on DIVX and VLC player for me but I heard its picky... Sorry I couldn't change it to an avi. The file is huge for some odd reason and when I try to make it smaller it rebels and kills the sound... so yeah... Sorry