Sep 11, 2016 12:22
Sweet Jesus, I hate being sick. And this isn't even anything bad, it's just a summer cold. Started hitting Thursday afternoon, and by Friday morning I had no energy. Lost a practicum day, was weak and slow Friday night (but got my first X-Wing league win!), and Saturday, I just laid in bed or on the couch and watched football and tried to read. A little better today, still resting and taking lots of store-brand Dayquil/Nyquil.
NFL season kicks off for real today, after Thursday night's starter game. I'm still a dude without a team, but with growing affection for the Bengals and Colts. Becoming a homer, I guess. Today's games will probably be shot full of 9-11 whatsits and griping about players not standing for The Star-Spangled Banner and all that, because we have to wear the national hair shirt (Thanks, Clayton!).
UofL football is 2-0 after working over Syracuse in their Carrier Dome. Next up is Florida State here, and there's a growing rumor that ESPN Gameday will be telecast from Louisville. The Cardinals are good this year, with a stellar quarterback and a really good organization all around. WKU put up a good showing against Alabama - gotta be honest, a C-USA team keeping the best NCAA team to under six touchdowns is a good showing. Down the road, UK's ... just horrible. Inept, even. I'm a Cardinal coming and going, but I'm feeling some sympathy for my not-asshole UK counterparts. That is not a good program, but it's what you get for being a one-sport school.