Apr 20, 2014 23:01
My last scheduled game day went well. Pandemic, Elder Sign, Infiltration, and Thunderstone Advance were played. People had fun. Lots of laughs. Dinner at Marikka's restaurant, and then over to the bar. Drank, chatted, cut up, watched volleyball, threw darts, shot pool, watched Sean take people apart at the air hockey table. Since it was part of the ongoing going-away party series, Ben and I demanded wrapping things up in proper fashion with a visit to Waffle House. And that's when we were treated to Sean and a couple of dudes we believed to be from a barbershop quartet serenading the entire restaurant with their renditions of "It's Tricky." Flawless victory, as the kids used to say. Damnit, I am seriously going to miss these people.
Ben's luck is continuing to hold. He was offered a job, paying about 5K/year above what he asked for. It's in Birmingham, so he's departing very soon, probably before the end of May. His fiancee was offered a job at UAB (where she is a couple of weeks away from completing her MPH program), so things are looking fantastic on their front.
Hold UP. Just saw an ad for Crossbones. John Malkovich as Edward Teach. I give it a half-season, but I'm sure going to watch it.
So, anyway... when I finally awoke and got myself in order this morning, I loaded my old CRT TV into the Focus and headed to Liberty. Spent the afternoon with Mom&Dad. Came home, late dinner, an episode of Cosmos, and now Jack Reacher for my pre-bedtime entertainment.
The refund checks from the DoEducation came this wekend. Nice pair of checks, nothing that'll allow a comfortable early retirement in the Virgin Islands or anything, but it'll make GenCon pretty much a free trip.