Sep 13, 2006 17:55
Holy fucking shit akfljsz;dhj;sfgjl;djfglajdflk
so, yesterday, Placebo were on Rove, and guess who was in the green room? yeah. that's right. fglsdfjhlksfjeroktjaklgh
it was the most nerve wracking and exciting experience of my life. I spent most of the time trying to not make it obvious that I was shaking. It was probably a good thing they only spent about 15 minutes in there, and then went back to their dressing room, or whatever.
But yeah, basically, Hunter and I got into the green room there and there was no one super dooper exciting in there (we had noo idea who those '15 seconds of fame people' were or what they were doing until they actually went on set) and Kevin (rave’s assistanty dude, through whom we got into rove) introduced us to Pete Helliar, not too exciting. So we were there waiting and watching the door, and trying not to look too much like crazed fans, and then we realise that some of Placebo's crew were sitting on the couch opposite us, and we get, naturally, very excited. Then, a little while later Bill walks in, and so I whack Hunter, who has also seen. And we sort of stare for a while. And then fucking Brian walks in, and my insides spontaneously combust. It was just such a shock actually seeing him in real life. But yeah, we tried not to stare (not very easy, at all) and we weren’t meant to talk to them so it was incredibly frustrating and Brian kept looking at us asdfsglh I think it was pretty obvious why we were there. Steve walked in also, and was as blokey as ever and I could have killed the woman who was sitting near them (the one with the tying of the snakes in her mouth) who got to introduce herself to Steve. And then Steeeef and that was even worse than when Brian walked in... cause well.. it's Stef. Who is even sexier in real life. Five meters away from us. Wearing tight pants.
But yeah, they did the thing where the camera pans across all the guests, and got some photos taken and left.
Just before they were due to perform, Kevin got us, and took us into the studio, and we had a pretty awesome view, and nothing out of the ordinary happened, but then as we were walking back through the corridor to get our stuff, who happened but turn into it right in front of us? Stefan! He was with this makeup woman (I assume) who was like "so, do you want to keep the face" and then I (who had promised myself I wouldn’t make a complete arse of myself) blurted out "oh, no, don’t ever get rid of it, it's a very nice face". But he turned around and smiled at me and adsfklgjslesdkfjgsd it was the best moment of the night. But the fun didn’t stop there, because as we walked into the green room, Brian was in there grabbing some stuff, and I was sort of like ohmygodthisisyourlastopportunity and was trying to think of something interesting to say, but instead came out with "Nice work, see you Friday!" and he was like "..... thanks, see you friday.." and I was like ahahaha I suck but oh lord I spoke to brian molko
I'm still shaking
and the peahead is also way way more attractive in real life