Yesterday was a Sad Day

Sep 30, 2004 19:44

So yesterday was a really sad day. In case you didn't know--Max left us yesterday. Despite popular belief, it was NOT due to neglect. I cleaned his bowl regularly, I neutralized the water, I fed him twice a day and I talked to him every day. So leave me alone. It was due to natural causes. Or rather what I call $5-Meijer-Fish-Syndrome.

Also, I couldn't give blood yesterday, which made me sooo mad. It was becasue the lady thought my ear piercing looked infected. It's not.

As for today, I realized early on that it was going to be necessary to remove myself from campus today. So after work, I ran hard and fast to where else? Panera. It was grand. I spent 2 1/2 hours there just getting stuff done. Granted, not as much as I probalby could have, but it was just nice to get off campus for a while.

My mom called. I guess my aunt Juanita is not doing well at all. Her uterus collapsed on her bladder or something, and I guess they don't think she's going to make it much longer. She's been sick for a really long time though, but I just hope she's not in pain for long. Also my Uncle Bill is not taking it well either. Anyway, keep them in your prayers for me.

So I'm really excited because I'm going home with Laura for Canadian Thanksgiving in two weeks. I'm really sad because the only other Band Competition I'll be able to be at will be State. I'm going to try to come home for Festival though, so let me know if you'll be there.

Um.....I guess that's about it for now. Time to hit the ole books again.

Happy Ending.
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