Dec 11, 2004 13:10
Okay so i kno most people watch laguna beach. Well i missed out on an episode so today i was able to catch up. As much as i want to graduate it's going to be so hard. I get teary eyed every time i watch the graduatin one and up. Everyone leaving, the somewhat breakups, it scares me a little bit. It's like i've lived in a two mile radius city my whole life. I dont know anything different and soon i'll be moving to a place where 15,000 other kids go. I'm going to keep intouch with everyone and hopefully they will do the same thing with me. I've talked about it so long about how happy i was to leave and now i have 5 months left and it's just weird. I've been thinking about it more and more. And also dru... i dont kno what is going to happen. He truly is the best thing that has ever happened to me, he's perfect. I dont want college to split us up. I just know if it does happen it'll just be a test. If we end up back together it was meant to be, and if we don't then it was meant to be in the first place. I just have never had feelings like this for someone ever, if anyone couldn't tell yet by recent entries. I'm totally and truly into him! I can only hope that my perfect world will come true...