What's Goin' On?

Aug 16, 2005 23:54

Gratuitous, trying to look tough in my new chapeau, self picture.

Sorry I've been a bit slow on the bloggin' front y'all. Just been spendin' time with my boy before I head out to Moncton next week to help with our new store opening out there.

Oh yeah. I'm heading to Moncton next week. The trip was scheduled over a month ago and I totally forgot until about a few days ago. I've got a 3 hour layover in Toronto in the middle of the day next monday. Not nearly enough time to give some lovin' to furrytoe, iposthuman, trevcub77, canuckamuck or anyone else in the T.dot :( Rest assured I'll be thinking of the lot of ya (and how much I miss ya!) while I'm stuck there :(

It should be crazy busy while I'm down there, but I hope I have some time to check out the the town, see the bay of fundy and such. I'd really like to grab a beer or 3 with my buddy Michael (warning link very not work safe! all he's got is a dudes nude profile sorry!), but he's across the bay in Yarmouth and neither of us has a lot of spare cash for traveling right now :(

Let's see, what else has been going on? Finished reading Eragon by Christopher Paolini and really loved it. The second book should be out next week and I can hardly wait.

Didn't finish Killer7 however. Really loved the style and the fucked up storyline, but the terrible controls for the PS2 were killing me. I'll wait until the price on it drops to about $30 bux and pick it up for the 'cube.

So. Speaking of price drops. Looks like the DS is dropping in price. I really don't know if I'll be able to hold out anymore. Electric Blue DS with Mario64? At (I'm assuming will be) $150 CDN? That's like the magic price point for me. Especially with Meteos, Polarium, Feel the Magic: XY/XX, Warioware: Touched, and Nanostray already out there. With other games like Nintendogs, Trace Memory, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney, Trauma Centre: Under the Knife, and of course Electroplankton on the way I just don't think I'll be able to hold back :(

*le sigh*

Maybe I should start doing meth. I hear it's a cheaper addiction...

moncton, nintendo, videogames, life, nintedo ds, gratuitous self picture

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