About 1am, Saturday Morning. Wishing I'd remembered my tripod.
I just wanted to give a bit shout out to all y'all that donated to the
Relay for Life. Because of your help I raised over $300 for Cancer Research, and my team broke the thousand barrier! You people rock! *big virtual naked bear hugs* to the lot of ya!
I learned a few things in the 12 hours I was there:
- High Humidity + Lots of Walking + No Underwear = bad chaff-age of the durffal area.
- If you don't want to cry, do not read the luminaries. My second last lap I made the mistake of listening to Antony and the Johnsons while reading the luminaries and I started bawling like a child who just had their candy stolen.
- 12 hours of walking passes surprisingly fast.
- I'll definitely do it again next year.
I'll try to blog more later on. Right now I'm off to watch some
fag baseball.