(no subject)

May 23, 2008 15:53

Two days ago I joined a cult.

The Running Room.

I've had an on again off again fling with running. I'll try it for a week, get bored (and sore) and quit. A few months later I'll try again. Then get bored (and sore) and quit. All because I don't know how to run.

Sure, we all know the motions involved in running but unless you were on the track team in High School you probably don't know how to run properly. Not just the physical aspects but the mental ones.

You see, I'd go out for a run. I'd start out sprinting, get a few blocks away from home and promptly run out of steam. I'd walk for a few minutes, start sprinting again and have to stop even fewer blocks later. I had no clue how to pace myself.

So, I signed up for my local Running Room's Learn to Run Clinic. For the next 10 Wednesdays I'll be learning how to run properly. That's not all; The clinic isn't just about running, it's also to teach how to avoid injury, proper nutrition, and how to set reasonable (and achievable!) goals for yourself.

Terry's a big reason why I'm doing this. He loves running. At the beginning of our relationship he joked that he was going to sign me up for this clinic, because I'd been skipping out on the gym. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to sign up on my own.

Terry and I went down to Fargo last weekend for the Fargo Marathon. Hanging out with him and his running crew was infectious. All of them are super passionate about their sport. Not just because they love running but because they love the social aspect of it. These people get together at least once or twice a week and run. Keeping their pace right, encouraging each other to press on, to push themselves further than they thought they could go. I'd never realized how much more there was to running past putting one foot in front of the other.

So, that weekend, I decided to give the clinic a try. I'm a social animal and if anything will keep me coming back, it'll be the people I'm doing it with. I can function just fine on my own, but left to my own devices I'd end up sitting at home, playing video games. When what I should be hitting the gym so I can stop whining about my belly.

I just wonder if I can run and play R-Type Command at the same time.

Current playing: R-Type Command (PSP), Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 1: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness (360)
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