Still Counting Down... 7

Sep 10, 2009 20:01

 Today I'm going to list my Top 7 Hodgins Quotes!

7.) S1 The Woman in the Garden "I called, shotgun! What does it mean to a society when the niceties are no longer observed?"
6.) S2 The Girl in the Gator "What? I clicked on a pop-up and got caught in a pornado." 
5.) S4 The Science in the Physicist "Up and Forward are only two directions. Science should look in all directions. You taught me that."
4.) S1 The Woman in the Car "I know things that would curdle your blood, including a formula that literally curdles blood!" 
3.) S2 Aliens in a Spaceship "You've got a lot of faith in Booth." which sparks this exchange between Brennan and Hodgins
      Brennan: "No. Faith is an irrational belief in something that is logically impossible. Overtime I've seen what Booth can do. It's not faith."
      Hodgins: "No offense. And I'm not saying this because you filleted me with a knife. We are out of air. We don't know if our message got out, much less if anyone understood it. And we are buried underground. What you have is faith, baby. Sorry about the "baby" thing, it's a reflex."
2.) S3 The Boy in the Time Capsule "It's so Miami Vice, I could roll up my sleeves."
1.) S4 The Double Death of the Dearly Departed "King... OF THE FUNERAL!"

I freaking LOVE Hodgins! He's my favorite character outside of B/B. I absolutely adore him and frequently quote him. It's really weird when I'm around people who don't watch Bones... ::sigh::


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