Title: The Good Life
Rating: PG
Word count: 745
Genre: Future fic
Inspired by: Episode 3x14, On My Way
Notes: This episode produced a lot of tears and sadness, though Dave's part of the story ended with a small, bright spot of hope. I thought I would build on that with this happy little ficlet. :)
The Good Life )
Just the right touch of everything. (And I love how you counter to what Our King believes - I disagee with him, too: Dave does love Kurt.)
Thanks for the lovely images...
Hee, I adore Max, but I definitely feel that Dave's in love with Kurt. I'm probably just trying to make myself feel better, but I honestly think they're all -- Max included -- trying to downplay the romantic part of Dave's feelings so that if they get him together with Kurt in the future, it'll have a bigger impact. I can dream, anyway!
Ha ha, that's exactly what I thought, too. And hey, I'm fine with that. Keep them calm while the story is developing and see where it goes. I've been pleasantly surprised by how many people have come out after this episode to say, 'Uh, I used to ship Klaine, but I think I'm liking Kurtofsky more now, sorry!' I'm probably overly optimistic, but I honestly think that if they build up to Dave/Kurt in a natural, logical way, by the time it happens the great majority of viewers won't mind at all. :)
Plus, I really don't listen to any of them much, lol. Ryan Murphy once said he wouldn't do a suicide theme on Glee and we see how that turned out!
I've heard that, too - that Kurtofsky was originally the plan for Kurt - and I vaguely remember the spoilery talk back then that alluded to it. I had not heard that about Ryan helping/dating his high school bully! That actually gives me a lot of hope that they might get back to the original plan.
To me, it seems so clear that the reason Klaine is lackluster and going nowhere while every interaction between Kurt and Dave is just electric, is because one of those story lines was planned meticulously and the other was thrown together, last minute, because of fan reaction. Well, and also, Max is just a stronger actor than DC. :)
It's kind of funny that you use the word 'anemic' -- at the end of the 'New York' episode, in the Lima Bean and during the infamous " **looooong pause** Love you, too" scene, I was watching Darren Criss and I told the friend watching with me, 'Oh, Blaine is sick. Watch, I bet you!' (I have this annoying habit of trying to predict plot points before they happen, lol.) I was convinced for a good month after that episode that we were going to find out in S3 that Blaine had leukemia or something, based on his droopy, flat manner:
( ... )
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