hey, sorry to snoop around but i saw your comment in vancouver indie and wanted to see what type of music you were into when i came across this. i'm always looking for people to jam with if you are up for it. my myspace is www.myspace.com/dianeanderson if that makes any difference. hope to hear from you soon.
no apologies necessary! i like a lot of stuff...i guess mostly indie, rock, jazz, experimental, and/or any combination of the above. i'm a fan of most percussion music, too. i've been playing mostly jazz lately, it seems to have won me over. i'd be interested in jamming sometime. i added you to myspace. are you in the music program at capilano college?
ah i see. well i'm very interested in playing music sometime. i live on main street so i'm not that far from langara if you would like to meet up one day, grab a coffee or whatever and talk music :]
my email is rda65@hotmail.com if you would like to send me a message or add me to msn or whatever.
i'd be interested in jamming sometime. i added you to myspace. are you in the music program at capilano college?
my email is rda65@hotmail.com if you would like to send me a message or add me to msn or whatever.
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