Days 6 & 7 - 21 Days of Positivity (weekend edition)

Dec 02, 2018 09:12

Positive expericnes in the past 48 hours:
Friday evening was my company holiday party at the Four Seasons hotel in downtown Denver -- fancy! I decided to take public transportation into the city to get there, which turned out to be easy and convenient. I dressed up fancy for the party and had these big fake red flowers in my hair -- and of course a giant smile on my face! With my beaming smile, red flowers, and red coat, I received many happy compliments on my appearance from folks on the buses on the way to my party. Their passing kindnesses really uplifted me and made me feel great about my appearance, and festive for the evening! A compliment is so easy to give, but you never know when it will mean so much to the person to whom you gave it -- thank you, Denver bus nice people!

On Saturday, I went to the annual holiday party run by some beloved friends who were introduced to me by my ex-boyfriend. Our host happened to say two nice things to me then that also really uplifted me. One - he commented when a few months ago, I shared casually in a Facebook post that I'm bisexual. This isn't so much "coming out" since I'm not secretive about it; I just hadn't announced it on Facebook the way I do with what I had for breakfast, or what's on TV, or many other far less important details of my daily life. I just wanted to share that I was asking a lady out for a date, and I thought -- oh, I better update everyone on the bigger picture here first! Anyway, that announcement is not really where this story is going right now -- the party host thanked me for putting that on Facebook since his 15 year-old son is also connected to me there. Although my friend is married to another man, and so obviously their son is exposed to social issues about homosexuality already, it was nice to open that as a question of "diversity," he said, and get talking about further issues in a really organic context. My post opened the door for some conversation at home -- and that really made me feel great to know that my usual perhaps oversharing helped others in even the slightest way. It was lovely of him to tell me so.

Further, my ex-boyfriend was at the holiday party yesterday. We shared some nice conversation, kept light. I enjoyed that my host didn't comment on that (not that I would have minded in particular), but simply said (which later moved into the conversation I just described) that he's keeping an eye out for a nice lady - or man! - for me to date, since I'm looking. I thought it was so classy and sweet of him not to talk about the ex, whom we've talked out, and keep an eye toward the future instead! It was just the hopeful support I need during this current journey. I am grateful!

Speaking of which...

Combined weekend edition of 6 new things for which I'm grateful:
  1. Good customer service from the Lovesac brand beanbag store that made me feel better about my purchase there
  2. The timely arrival of the big fake red flowers that I got to wear in my hair to the party
  3. Samples of housemade guacamole available at Safeway yesterday just when I was in the mood for exactly that!
  4. Having the gumption to tackle Leg Day at the gym on Friday which I was a little nervous about doing for the first time in a few months
  5. My acquantences Dia and Mandi going out of their way to compliment me on my appearance recently, which is so supportive and lovely of them
  6. So many people at my company holiday party laughing along with me in good humor about me bringing a large purse and Zip Lock bags to smuggle out fancy leftovers from the Four Seasons!
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