Meditation: Learned last night that the relaxation power of meditation is not stronger than the effect of caffeine on me! Had 1 Coke for breakfast, and 1 "syrupy bar Coke" at lunch -- and that was too much! I wanted to go to bed at 9:00, and I was wide awake at midnight! Not like I couldn't have predicted it. The caffeine and/or added sugar definitely increased the random anxiety I feel when lying down. What was interesting was that last night, I became conscious of that process starting immediately. The sound of the crashing waves noises that I play helped also immediately consciously say, "Stop that. Don't go down that path of thought," and move onto something less destructive. So that's working nicely.
Exercise: Slept later than I hope to since I didn't get to sleep until late last night. Woke up too late to lift weights at the gym -- but got there anyway, and swam 15 laps. It's about the shortest exercise I'll do and still bother to go to the gym, but I went! Good for me!
Random Act of Kindness: In addition to reaching out to people verbally with nice things to say, more consciously, today was the day that i sent out invitations to my home on Christmas Eve. I looped in a few old friends I might not have otherwise with less consciousness. I happened to invite some acquaintences who are growing in esteem, but aren't that close yet -- turns out they had no other plans, and said that Christmas is sometimes a lonely time of year for them. I offered a kindness that I wasn't even aware of. I think that's really what this Random Act of Kindness thing is all about -- it's a dice roll. Sometimes it may have no effect, but sometimes you hit big when you didn't even guess that you might!
Something positive: I felt great physically and emotionally yesterday after getting into the gym to lift weights!
3 new items of gratefulness:
- I'll have all my Christmas season expenditures (including Black Friday deals on new clothing, furniture item I wanted) paid by the first week of January.
- My Christmas Eve invitation went out today, as I mentioned, and I'm getting some immediate excited chatter over it in the holiday spirit!
- Started reading Sharp Objects last night, by Gillian Flynn. I'm grateful for the inspiration of an anticipated good book, and the leirsure time to read for fun!