I have nothing especially thrilling to tell you today, but that is the sign of a stable, happy hobbit life!
It's been really wonderful having no obligations on my time recently. I've done exciting things like knit, cook, watch the evening news, and weed a 3' by 6" patch of the front yard. I'm not even reading anything challenging. I wanted a bedside book one night, so I picked up Daughter of the Empire off the bookshelf for about the 12fth time, I think. Even so, I remain as engrossed in its pages as ever when I reread this favorite. I'm enjoying this free time immensely.
Nicole is coming to visit the Denver area this weekend! Terribly happy about reaping the benefits of being near all he favorite relatives whom she visits often. That'll be the fourth visit out here with treasured friends this summer. I consider myself very lucky for it.
Speaking of visiting friends, I also discovered recently that Frontier Airlines' base fare from Denver to Atlanta is $217, inclusive of taxed and bullshit fees. For that little money, it sure seems like I can and should come to visit much more often. I think I'll put this on my list of 2013 resolutions... after the air conditioner is finally paid off, that is.
I had some concerns recently that my job might be in jeopardy for a lay-off, but I had a great talk with my boss, and he set my mind at ease. I'm considerably less stressed about that debt over the air conditioner now that I feel confident of a continuing paycheck, I'll tell you that much! Still, Ian and I both just chafe at the very notion of any debt whatsoever. I think it's time to dip slightly below my preferred savings cushion in favor of paying this mother fucker off a little sooner. A nice hobbit streak also means we're eating at home more often, so we're spending less money on restaurants...
...that said, we've got a coupon for Gordon-Biersch tonight, so I'm heading out in about 20 minutes for an after work date with the husband. We're probably going to see "The Watch" (with the cheapo CostCo tickets, natch).
Speaking of recent movie outings, I have filed the remake of "Total Recall" under the letter W for the following reasons:
- WTF is this shit?
- When will you next insult my intelligence?
- Why are you stabbing yourself? Why are you stabbing yourself? Why are you stabbing yourself?
Good gravy, what a colossal stinker THAT movie is!
Oh yeah, the mention of my intelligence reminds me -- I got my final grades, and I got A's in both my classes from the summer term. I wasn't especially worried about my Intro to Law grade, which was the second I received. Still, it's nice to see them all carved in stone and official.
Work's going great this week, too. The flood gates have finally closed, and I've had this slow but inspired, relaxed week to catch up, get organized, kick ass, take names, alphabetize them and file them in triplicate. This sort of time has been rare at my job in the past year, so I'm consciously enjoying it while it lasts.
By the way, here's a placeholder for a larger, more complex thought that's still forming... I find myself growing more politically moderate as I age. Lots of people's political opinions change as they get older. My "moderation" is rooted in a desire to understand where the other side is coming from. I always put forth the example of my very strong beliefs about a woman's right to choose how to handle a pregnancy. I'm totally on board with that, and I can't imagine anything will ever sway me otherwise. Nevertheless, I totally and completely understand where pro-lifers are coming from. I get it. Therefore, I can respect it although we disagree. I like finding that balance politically -- the ability to understand and therefore respect. The thing is that one flows into the other for me. If I cannot understand a position, I cannot respect it. If I cannot understand and respect, then I must assume that the notion has come as a message from space. It is therefore time to pull out the tinfoil hat to protect against the space rays.
My opinion of most people and their actions seems to fit into this bucket. I find myself forgiving previously held grudges if I can understand a person's motivation (well, and I understand that motivation is more respectable than, "All shall love me and despair!") I like this feeling. It's working nicely for me.
There may be more on that later -- there may not. We'll see.