Feb 27, 2011 12:22
Quiet Sunday morning, and about as "hungover" as I ever get. Arguably only once have I ever had a real hangover, and even the status of that vs. good old fashioned general dehydration and sleep deprivation is in question. Today I am indeed just a little dehydrated, and I got less sleep than I'm used to. More so, I'm just tired. Combine the usual end of week general "Life takes a lot out of you!" drain with Ian losing his job, and me losing a little sleep over it, and that is a recipe for a lazy Sunday.
Saturday nights we go over to table-top with friends (Pathfinder). Originally, we'd planned to cancel for this weekend to celebrate our wedding anniversary today. Given the events of the week, both with Ian losing his job, and some local NERO chapter shenanigans, we decided that our Saturday night was best spent in the company of friends. Also, it's our companion Cassie's birthday tomorrow, and added extra weight to getting together. (What would've been the appropriate conjugation of to lend there: lent? I don't think I've ever used that word in my whole life.) We started with dinner at a local brewery during Happy Hour, so we imbibed a bit. Then the chums stopped at the liquor store and stocked up before the game, with the GM deciding to get experimental at the bar and make every try what he made. Over the course of about 8 hours, I'd consumed 2 glasses of wine, 2 beers, and had various sips and the equivalent volume of shots (if not in form) of various hard liquor experiments. It wasn't a huge amount of alcohol, but it was a good bit more than I usually drink. (Or did, prior to moving to Colorado, where company has changed my habits much more in favor of a great deal more social drinking.) It was fun, though! Right atmosphere for it. Aside from the 2 wines over dinner at the restaurant, the rest was in the safe environment of the house of friends, among friends, and with a husband who does not drink who was driving us last evening. We never did end up doing much more than about 5 minutes of gaming, as everyone was too silly and/or too tipsy to bother, really. Altogether, good times!
That was my roundabout way of explaining why I stayed in bed until the outrageous hour of 11:00 am, why I'm having reheated pizza for breakfast at noon, and why I'm in no great hurry to go anywhere, or do anything today.
The local NERO chapter idiocy was wonderfully timed. Considerately, it reached its apex on the very evening that Ian lost his job. I could not have been more delighted for the distraction of a righteous throw-down because someone was wrong on the Internet. Live-action roleplaying is a great outlet for a lot of impulses: creativity, exercise, society, fresh air and wilderness enjoyment. You also just cannot beat that sort of environment for delivering consistent satisfaction of unnecessary social conflict, drama, and opportunities to troll when you really need one. I really needed one this week. Again I say: Good times!
Started watching the discs of the HBO series, "Rome" on Friday night. I've watched only episodes 1-2 so far. It's very easy to see, even from the start, what all the fuss is about with that show. I'm hooked, and I look forward to the next disc!
We've got two dinner engagements coming up this week that I'm looking forward to: Tomorrow night, we're going out to dinner with Steve, someone whom I met only once at NERO (the father of that cute little girl who taunts the orc in the photos you may have seen me post on Facebook). He's starting a new steampunk LARP in the local area; we're going to get together to discuss a little LARP shop talk, as it were, in general. Then on Thursday, we're hosting a couple other NERO chums (from the great Gender Beer Tape gathering of 2010 fame) over at our place for dinner. I think we'll serve a lightly seasoned grilled chicken breast, nice and simple, and I'll make some homemade mashed potatoes. I'm looking for a simple, and somewhat "Thanksgivingesque" vegetable option. Maybe I'll try that roasted cauliflower dish again which we tried about a month ago? And biscuits. Need biscuits.
Next weekend, I might go visit some Denver museum (which one, I don't know) with a couple of the table-topping buddies to see a Pirates exhibit. That should be fun and different! Looking forward to that... but it is now shaping up to be a busier week than I usually like to book. I think I may have reached my level of extracurricular commitments for the next week or so.
Lastly, as hinted earlier, today is our 2nd wedding anniversary! Nothing particularly special planned, and only this morning do I realize -- oh yeah, I meant to get a gift! Whoops. Well, that's okay. We tend to treat these things very casually.
Zombie Husband just rose from the grave.
nero empire