2011 is the Year of Zuzu's Petals

Dec 31, 2010 09:50

This year’s meditation is about kicking Envy in the teeth. I’d like to defeat the green monster by concentrating on what I believe to be the antitheses of wanting what I think others have got: gratitude, appreciation, charity, generosity.

My name for the year comes from my all-time favorite movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” George Bailey spends his life yearning for something else, something “better.” Then he’s given the opportunity to see what the world would be like without him in it. He comes to consciously appreciate all that he has already, and all that he’s done personally to contribute to the wonders all around him.

2011 is the Year of Zuzu’s Petals.

This year, I resolve to do the following:

Volunteer to serve my community.

Look for opportunities to help people.

Revive the art of handwritten correspondence.
Share photos with my friends at least monthly.

Take a class in spinning yarn to prepare for life after the Zombie Apocalypse. (Learned Netting instead; close enough!)

Keep reading.
Read what's on my bookshelf.

Keep knitting. Give away knitted gifts.
Learn to cableknit.
Learn that cool braided trim (accomplished 1/16/2011)

Increase our automatic savings rate to 11%.

Put our wills in place.

Do something more interesting with my hairstyle.

The Universe sent me early approval of my name and theme for the year. I had just chosen it a few days ago when I received a Christmas card from my old friend from Palm Springs, Stacey. We've been joking for a bit about this much-anticipated particular card. Imagine my surprise when I saw that Stacey had filled up both interior sides of the card, and included an extra sheet with her message. My old friend wanted to express her thanks for the inspiration to pay forward some kindnesses extended to her, inspired by my mere mention of what seemed like small acts to me -- baking cookies for my mail carrier, my mechanic. She also mentioned some recent discussion on Facebook wherein I questioned what is the antithesis of Envy in early meditation on this year's name. The message to me couldn't have come at a better time! Stacey, I want you to know how very deeply your letter touched me, and what fuel it is to march forward into the new year in the right spirit!

You'll see that I've already crossed two resolutions off the list. I put that silly one about my hairstyle on the list only because I knew that was the only way to guarantee I wouldn't keep putting it off! Sure enough, I took care of it the other day. Then, while surfing for a photo example of the knitted trim to show you, I found an instructional video on YouTube!

Jose has challenged our group that each of us should learn one skill every year that will benefit us after the Zombie Apocalypse comes. I chose spinning.

Some others here are repeats from recent years, you may notice. They were good ones and bear repeating, however, so I don't mind a little recycling.

Happy New Year, friends! May it be filled with good fortune, and the wisdom to recognize it,

knitting, new year's resolutions, year of zuzu's petals, name of the year, morivedos

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