Today... now this is very exciting, so brace yourselves... today, I made something prettier by gluing pretty paper to it! Exciting, I know. Ian gave me a paperback notebook a month or so ago, random swag from some corporation, I think. I like notebooks -- I have far more than I'll ever use, but still, they make me happy. Today I finally got around
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For history tests (and foreign languages too), I highly recommend flash cards. In my US History AP class in high school, a class which prided itself on kicking everyone's butt until they could effectively pass their ridiculous AP test to get college credit, our teacher required flash cards, and they really do help. For rote memorization type stuff, it's really effective. They don't teach you to connect events or think for yourself, but boy will you memorize every term, president, and event. They were even color-coded, because color-coding makes everything better. I would be happy to help you out. I minored in history and wish I would've had the guts to major in it.
When you're hiking, is it easy to open a journal which opens like a book? Or is a spiral-bound journal that can fold over on itself more convenient for writing and holding at the same time?
If you really want something homemade, however, then maybe a spiral notebook is the way to go. Use a pen with a clip on it, and just attach that into the spiral. When all is said and done, you can glue pretty paper on the cover with Modge Podge. If you put another coat over the top as shellac, that might help preserve it from getting dirty or wet or otherwise mussed while hiking.
Thank you for the link to the DBQ. I'll look into it!
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