A Real Wedding Nightmare, or Thank Goodness for Ex-Boyfriends

Mar 13, 2002 17:29

Anxiety nightmares about wedding planning are very common to brides, I'm told. If you have friends who are getting married, try asking the bride if she's experienced any nightmares during the planning. I bet you'll find yourself in an amusing conversation!

One of the most entertaining revelations is what worries the bride, and therefore what she may consider the most significant aspects of the whole ceremony. It's kind of like what you can tell about a person by the questions asked about the wedding: What kind of cake will you have? tells me a person is interested in their own personal comfort -- that, and they have a sweet tooth! What kind of music will you play? tells me someone is looking forward to the social aspects of the reception. What does your dress look like? is a question for a sucker of a dreamer, someone with their own faerie tale dreams about wedding dresses. It goes on from there.

My wedding nightmares most often follow the theme that no one is interested in the wedding. There are only 10 guests in attendance. No one is paying attention to me as I walk down the aisle. People are getting up and leaving or talking to each other while I make my entrance. Sometimes, the theme revolves around lack of planning. We decide to hold the wedding literally at the last minute. It's the day before and I haven't sent any invitations. We forgot to book a site, so we have it at the state park where we LARP, that sort of thing.

A doozie of a nightmare came to me on Saturday night while Dave and I were at his parents' house. I have no doubt the inspiration for the dream comes from the conversations we shared at dinner. Dave's biological father and his mother's only brother were spoken of less than flatteringly, shall we say. They happen to share the first name of my ex-fianc

my past life

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