Last night, I indulged in a slice of heaven with a 1 hour massage after work. I feel like a new woman! Good timing. The place where I went is very convenient to my office, so I think I'll be inclined to go more often since I don't have to fight traffic to get there on time.
The massage place is next to a local hamburger joint called Mooyah's which I never tried before. It's like Five Guys Burgers & Fries -- burgers, burgers made of things other than cow (or animal), dogs (allegedly made from cow), fries, sodas, shakes, that's it. I didn't care for it. They add a seasoning to their fries which I don't care for. I got my burger to go, and by the time I got home, it had been steaming inside the wrapping for awhile. It was therefore slightly reminiscent of Krystal, and a little unappetizing. It's probably better fresh. Still, it wasn't so awesome that I'll be chomping at the bit to try it a second time.
"Heroes" is losing me this season. I feel a little traitorous for suggesting that. I LURVED Season 1 with a mad, fiery passion! Season 2 was okay, but forgivable with the writer's strike. Season 3 gives me the impression that they have all new writers, and that group decided that they hated Season 1, and really couldn't get rid of it fast enough. It's going the direction that X-Men did about the time that I stopped reading a hundred years ago. I like a little darkness with my comic book stories, but not so much that the world is entirely despairing and sucks too much. Give me some comic relief! When even Hiro and Ando are making me want to throw things at the screen, there is a problem (although that particular problem hopefully resolved itself through last night's episode). I'll keep watching, but it's through the lace of my fingers across my eyes at this point. I'm not totally sure that I want to find out what happens next.
On the other hand of television, however, I continue to have nothing but good things to say about, "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles." Thankfully the writers of this show are obviously real fans, and they very clearly get it, which the writers of the rarely-to-be-mentioned abomination that was "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" clearly did not get. I wondered how they could top Season 1, and yet Season 2 is already knocking my socks off even just a few episodes in already. (T-1000!!!1!!!!11!) I. Lurve. This. Show.
Do I have a life? Why, funny you should ask... No. No, I don't.
In other news,
peepslayer is coming to visit us this weekend!!11!!! We're going to Fogo de Chao to drink from the meat fountain on Friday night. Then on Saturday we're going to the Texas State Fair so that we can eat fried things that never really should have been fried. Pete is particularly looking forward to chicken fried bacon this year. That happens to be the day of the big annual University of Texas v. Oklahoma University football game which all the locals get really excited about. That game is played at the Cotton Bowl on the State Fairgrounds... should be very interesting for our own fish out of water story. (I am happy in my fishbowl.) This is gonna be awesome! The visit coincides with Ian's last vacation from school before he starts his final term at Guildhall on October 20.
Speaking of which, it's "finals" week for Ian, although he has no exams that I'm aware of, just projects to complete. He's worn down, feeling driven but not inspired. As much as it was a dream in itself to come to the Guildhall, and we have a lot of great things to say about the program, Ian's ready to be out of school and working. This last stretch is really a haul.