Resolutions & Wedding Planning Update (Day 450/T-85!)

Jan 14, 2002 11:54

1) Drink at least one glass of water every week.
As noted, I've combined my need for artistic expression with my basic human need for hydration. Had at least one glass of water on 10 days out of 14 so far this year. It's going swimingly, har har. Anybody have an opinion on those new Fruit20 drinks? I heard they're splendid! I dig the commercials, anyhow. I'm totally going to be that mother who threatens their children with standing outside of their school in a clown wig with a sign that reads, "Available for parties, just ask my kids," with their names. That would've motivated me as a kid!

(Sidenote: Great line from a rerun of "Sex and the City" we watched last week, "When my daughter told me she was a lesbian, I said, 'Honey, that's fine. As long as you're not a Republican!'" I had my belief in True Love confirmed when Dave and I both looked at each other and nodded, filing that line away should we have occasion to use it with our kids someday.)

(Sidenote #2: I just remembered this really entertaining show I watched on HBO yesterday afternoon that may or may not have been called, "A Century of Life." It was interviews with people over 100 years old about historical events and social customs of their times, and things. Those old folks were a stitch! One lady who was active in the campaigns to earn voting rights for women talked about how socially liberating the 1920s were. "Hotels really relaxed their policies of whom they'd register. It meant you didn't have to do it in the backseat anymore!" I couldn't believe it! Their other stories were just amazing. Hard to believe that was our grandparents in many cases!)

2) Send at least one photograph with a card to a friend every month.
Sent out seven cards last week with photos of new year's eve and a recent wedding reception we attended. Botched sending thank you notes without photos to my other guests, however -- gotta catch up on that! It's never too late to say thank you, after all! Also botched the opportunity to share some long overdo photos from last January's Cancun trip with Ginger when I sent his birthday card last week. We'll see if I do any better with someone else's rapidly-approaching birthday....

Brought my camera Saturday night, and snapped pix of my birdofparadox hair, and a few quick ones of the dolls before we stepped out, and a few individuals here and there. Gotta upload them from the camera...Speaking of which, kajivar, stop me before I do it again. Please teach me how to use FTP so I can stop pestering you with my picture-posting needs?

3) Every time I say something bad about a person, balance it out by saying something positive about someone.
You know, just making this resolution has actually had been really effective in changing my thinking. I find I'm much less prone to rant about people. When I do, I get that sick feeling that comes from knowing I'm jumping on a peer pressure bandwagon I don't enjoy. It's about time I came to this realization!

4) Eat better.
Okay, I've made it two weeks, so I can share the details. I didn't want to say anything before because it seemed kinda silly. The few co-workers I told and Dave were all really supportive, though, so I feel better that it's not as silly as I thought. My great weakness for bad nutrition is my favorite snack: potato chips! I love the fried potato, yes I do! Mmmmm mmm! Something snapped in me on New Year's Eve, and I realized my love of this tasty, crunchy snack food type is really an honest-to-goodness addiction. Weird as it sounds, if I compared my friend potato eating habits to the drinking habits of others that have concerned me, it seems like a rather negative addiction. I honestly wasn't sure if I could "quit anytime I want to," as the saying goes. I've been running an experiment, and a successful and healthier one at that: Here I am, 14 days fried potato free! No potato chips, no french fries - not even at McDonald's! I feel accomplished. I realize it actually was an addiction, although a minor one. It was actually kinda tough the first few days, believe it or not! I suppose it would be like giving up dessert for a lot of people who have strong sweet tooths (teeth?).

This was more of a "January Resolution" than a full-on one for the year. Maybe I'll treat each month like Lent and try to improve my diet in some new way? That way it won't be so boring all the time. It certainly is a fun way to encourage me to try to find new snacks that I like (or old ones I forgot) instead of just resorting to chips all the time!

(Sidenote #3: I'm totally amused by the Heinz ketchup product "EZ Squirt." It's not really so different from regular ketchup save in the packaging. The part that sets me giggling is the typeface for the "EZ" in the logo -- for the longest time, I thought the Z was an L. I thought the product was actually named "El Squirt," which was just too funny! El Squirt it has been in my house ever since! They make this stuff in non-traditional ketchup colors, though! "Non-traditional" meaning green and purple. Green didn't seem that weird to me (not that I tried it). We put pickle relish on "host foods" as I believe they're called in the condiment industry, and it's green. But now they've introduced purple. Dude, it was $1.50, I had to try it! Dave thinks I'm insane...I turned to him in the grocery store and I said, "Honey, you're going to marry me. We've lived together for a year-and-a-half, day in, day out. Is there really any reason why my desire to try purple ketchup should surprise you in the least?" Dave had to agree I had him there. Haven't tried the purple El Squirt yet, but I'll post a report when I do! It's too much fun not to try!)

5) Become a homeless wanderer.
Still slacking...although I did spend the day in my jammies yesterday. I think I deserve partial credit there.

Wedding Planning Update
Finally settled all the business with the room block for the guests at the hotel. My Best Gay Man found a fabulous deal for GA residents which will allow about a third of my guests to stay for dirt cheap at the resorts, which is very good news! We'll sign the contract with Disney this week, then all the real details come into effect.

Picked out the wedding invitations on Friday. They're vellum squares with metallic silver polka-dots and pueple block lettering -- no, I'm not kidding. Not sure about the block lettering. I think it's kinda classy, but I've had it suggested that it may be too severe for the whimsy of the theme. Maybe I should pick a softer type style?

I got kind of a disappointing "half-note" yesterday, or maybe I half-got a regular note? In other words, I got an email, but I didn't really get all the details. I asked my soulmate to give me away at the wedding, and his new class schedule may preclude him from being able to attend at all. I'm really bummed. Getting into police school is a wonderful dream come true for him, and I'm so proud of him, and so happy for him! This is really important to me. I'm beginning to think the process of giving me away at the wedding is cursed. Originally, it would've been my best friend of many years, the man who is now the subject of many angry haiku and weird dreams that I post on here. He's out. Then it would've been an old friend, my First Love, but we've become estranged. Now this. Dave helpfully suggested we buck tradition entirely and march in together, hand-in-hand. It's kind of a sweet idea, actually. I'll think about it. Meanwhile, I guess I could just have my Best Gay Man escort me. I really don't want to walk alone, and I kinda want my own entrance. That's a big thing for the bride. Sad. Hopefully things will work out, my friend can skip one day of classes, and it'll be okay.



weight loss, my past life, health, name of the year

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