This post is all LARPing, all the time, so if you're not interested in that hobby, or Everhate in particular, move along. This is not the post you're looking for. ;)
This post is a little whiny, and "woe is me"ish, so proceed with caution.
Everhate Report )
On "getting" plot: I agree with you almost 100% on this, but I think I need to revise that to, say, 95%. The thing is, people do "get" plot. Not generally a consideration for folks like you and I, who are roleplaying fools. But I do think it can really get under one's skin, no matter how much of a slave to RP they are, if continually exposed to others being handed stuff (which does happen, I would continue to argue). Yes, maybe it can be handed over in a semi-insulting way in that it can easily imply that they just literally don't "get it" overall in the way that someone else (say, a fool for RP) would... but it can still irk frustration levels. Not sayin that this is what happened to you this particular time or any other, but, well, I've been there and know that it chews. Even if I am one of those "give me a piece of string and another PC and I'll happily entertain myself for hours" types. Could be that you are witnessing some degree of this and being irritated subliminally.
Sometimes all the cylinders just don't fire. High you-know-what (floon dammit), low you-know-what, being usually very clever or not - it happens. You find yourself in a position where not only are things not clicking on an overall level, but you are being nudged by plot to figure something out and your mind just goes flat-ass blank. I don't know why it happens, it just does. It's not your fault, but it can suck some serious ass.
"I was really pleased with the consistency of Owen's roleplaying when our eventual conversation referenced much he discussed with my group in Season 1 when we were brand new players. That was fulfilling."
Have been often discussing this sort of thing with mendoza. Is an oft-neglected HUGE detail that adds so very much! One doesn't need to feel that one has truly changed the entire world. But feeling like your actions (and conversations) have IC consequences is The Best Gift Ever. Even just being remembered is huge. This is more, I think, the sort of detail that NPCs should more often be trusted with. It's not like it rocks the whole world, and it makes people hugely happy. Let's say I'm one THOUSAND percent with you on this one. ;)
Many tangents, will not follow them all, nope. Glad you had fun where you could get it, sorry you missed it when it must have seemed so aggravatingly close at certain junctures. I actually really love your Everhate recaps, and I don't play -- no higher compliment can I bestow.
One thought about missing fun: I think in a lot of ways LARPs at this point are run somewhat with the implicit understanding that there will be much contact between and work done by the PCs between events. This does not take into account Token Girl Without Email. That thar is kind of a problem, in my mind. Not the first time I've seen this sort of thing happen. To play it safe, this kind of thing could be on... SATURDAY! Though it still doesn't take into account "what if someone doesn't show up and/or doesn't give their cool thing/info to someone who WILL?" (always a problem for anyone doing the OOC planning, I know, I know).
Maybe you do need to just take a break; at the least so that there is not the slightest whiff of obligation to any of your fun-having. Sure sure, it seems logical, the event is already paid for - but it wasn't necessarily specifically paid for, so, well. As you know, other things may be more worth your while right now. It may be best to go over that which excites you - message boards, particularly cool war stories, remembrance of that final sticky RP - even, by the way, re-reading your own telling of events that clearly overall aggravated you. You might surprise yourself how much was positive and worth treasuring (not that I'm encouraging going rose-glasses overboard). Then, maybe you should MISS THE EVENT ANYWAY. It will make you hungry. This can be a good thing, especially in such a case.
SO RAMBLING! Trust you to take whatever helpful psychic messages were secretly buried amid my 'thinking aloud' in your journal.
LJ sez too long ha!
Good luck with all this. Fuck all people who subtly got on your nerves. Don't need em & as you pointed out - they were the minority.
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