Yesterday didn't count. I didn't get out of my bathrobe until 9:30 at night, and that was only to take a shower and get into my jammies. I was hardly conscious!
I've passed off the reigns and mantle of leadership, not to mention The Skull to
lostshaman at Wildlands. I'm free, free! FREE! I've said before how wonderful it was, and I meant every word of it and 10,000 more. But I'm so happy to look forward to something else!
But what?
What's that line from Inigo about being in the revenge business so long, he doesn't know anything else? I'm so used to having Wednesday nights obligated, my computer obligated, my SkyMiles committed, my LARP possessions necessary to be NPC ready at an instant like a LARP Minute Man or something. I dreamt about having the feeling of free time and no obligation, but now that's it's here, I'm not sure what I want to do...of course, it's only 48 hours newly arrived, and I'm still achy and tired and sniffly and hardly recovered from being DONE (TM).
I think it's time to start making a list, in no particular order of what I want to do:
- Visit Atlanta for the weekend just for fun.
- Bring Dave to finally meet everyone there.
- Have kajivar make me some pretty LARP ball gowns that are good for only one character, and totally impractical at that.
- Paint my living room.
- Maybe write a little...and not a LARP storyline.
- Go back to Palm Springs for a visit.
- Make recipes out of a cookbook all by myself.
- Take up scrapbooking.
- Have a Christmas party.
- Maybe get my wedding party together for a spontaneous trip to Vegas to scout possible wedding venues.
- Plan the proper wedding at home, just in case.
- Spend more weekends playing computer games with no sense of remorse for not doing something else.
- Get my damn driver's license.
- Get a new job?
- Make photo albums for my friends.
- Find that Paint Yer Own Pottery place near the West Natick Commuter Rail station and check it out.
- Burn some CDs as gifts for friends.
- Read my newly arrived copy of Desecration in the Left Behind series that Burt got me hooked on.
- Read the book about the severed head in a box Jen loaned me.
- Take some lessons in making stained glass from my future mother-in-law.
- Get my passport.
- Invite my aunt for a visit to my new home and to meet my not-so-new fianc