Collar Update and I need your help!!

Jan 13, 2006 12:58

Frodo has been collarless for the past couple weeks because 1. She's a crazy feline and 2. Neither the dark or light blue collars had turned up again for me to force around her scrawny neck....

Until this morning.  The sequence of events was something like:

- Fed cats
     - Took shower
     - Got dressed
     - Opened bedroom door to find the light blue collar deposited directly outside the doorway.  Placed on bathroom counter so cats wouldn't necessarily go for it while I brushed my teeth.
     - Traveled into kitchen to take vitamins.
     - Traveled back toward the bedroom to get something only to find the dark blue collar (with little decorative fishies) in the exact same location.  Placed both collars on shelf in bathroom so I can duct tape them to Frodo when I get home this evening.

Okay, and now I need your help.  This morning on the drive into work, I realized that my car is almost a year old.  I bought it last February on President's Day.  It has gone nameless for nearly 11 months!!!  I could give the excuses that it took a good portion of that time period to determine the gender or that the right name just hasn't come along, but the truth is, I've known she was a girl since practically the first week of her life and I honestly haven't brainstormed all that much for a name.

This is basically what she looks like, color and all.

Any and all name suggestions are welcome.  I hope to collect and brainstorm names myself.  Perhaps we'll take a vote on it for the result to be revealed this February on the 20th.  :)

Edit @ 2:38 pm EST:What, may I ask, is a Happi Coat? Please, origami calendar people, do share.

cats, origami, car

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